Welcome to the ARC Team!

ARC Signup

Use the form below to receive Advanced Readers Copies (ARC) of Cage of the Cursed.

What is an ARC?

ARC stands for Advanced Readers Copy. As an ARC Reader you will receive a FREE advanced copy of my book.


After signing up and filling out the form, you’ll receive a series of emails:

1. Initial Email
Welcoming you to the ARC Readers Club and a copy of your ARC Ebook with instructions on compatible devices.

2. Reminder
Reminder of the books release and that it might be a good time to start reading if you haven’t already done so.

3. Release day
Email that the book has launched, and a request to submit honest reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and any additional Platforms that you choose.

4. Final request
1-2 weeks after release, if you haven’t already yet reviews the book, you’ll receive a final request to do so.

Important: You will be automatically signed up to my mailing list but you can opt out at anytime and still recieve your ARC copy, though you will not be automatically included in future ARCs. You’d have to signup again.


Reviews should be honest. Most sites use a scale of 1-5 stars:

  ★★ (Loved it)
  ★★    (Liked it)
  ★★       (It was fine)
  ★★          (Disliked it)
  ★             (Hated it)

Reading and interests are subjective. Vote the way you feel.

You are under no obligation to review any book.
However, those who are consistently unresponsive may be removed from future ARCs

Paperback and Hardcovers

Paperback and Hardcover copies are in limited supply and Ebooks are more easily accessible. If you’d like to be on the list to receive a physical copy of the book please indicate which version you’d prefer (Paperback or hardcover) and a link(s) to your social media(s).

Social media accounts where you post reviews are nice, especially for an upcoming author, but will not get preference over who gets a psychical copy of the book. Readers will be selected from legit active accounts no matter the subscriber or following count.

Ready to Sign up?

Thank you for signing up!